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My Artists Statement

I use my photography as a means to share the beauty I capture through my lenses with those around me. I strive to share with others, who may never see for themselves, the beauty, the peacefulness and serenity of a sunrise burning through the fog over a lake in the Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness Area, the mystery of a dewdrop on a flower, the happiness on the face of a child or a bride and the beauty of the wildlife in the great outdoors.

My choice of subjects comes from my passion about capturing those special moments in time. I photograph people in natural settings using natural lighting. I photograph nature and all it has to offer, from a little bug to a mystical loon gliding across the still waters, to an amazing sunrise or sunset and everything in between.

I am inspired by the moments lost to memory that can be captured and kept in a photograph forever. I am inspired to add special touches and enhancements to some of my images, which takes things one step further. Often times, I will create a special card, an invitation, an announcement, a flyer or a brochure using my photographs.

This collection of work comes from my passion for preserving and sharing beautiful moments captured in time, for all to enjoy.

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